This Sunday the Passion account according to Saint Matthew is proclaimed in the Church to the glory of God. The Traditional Mass made this more clear in that the sacred minister did not face toward the people for the sacred reading. In the ordination rites for the deacon and subdeacon they were instructed to proclaim the Gospel and Epistle for the glory of God. Certainly, a secondary desire is that the people be instructed but the proclaiming of the Word of God that He has given to us is first and foremost an act of worship. Even though you are not able to hear that proclamation directly, join your hearts in the worship of God in your houses. I recommend to all during this week to read all four Passion accounts. They all have their own little nuggets that we can grow rich from. In terms of Saint Matthew one of the nuggets that I find particularly powerful is the statement by the people to let the blood of Christ be on themselves and their children. These people meant this as a curse upon themselves but we see the mercy of God in that He turns their sin into the greatest blessing of all. May the Blood of Christ be upon you and your children so that you find salvation!