Sunday, November 3rd was the date. Fr. Albert Hall at St. Peter Catholic Church was the place.
It may have been a fundraiser, but for those of us who attended it was more of a fun event that raised our spirits – let’s call it a “fun-raiser“.
Many hands helped in planning preparation and setup.

Even some new technologies were employed to ensure speed in serving and improved results.

We’re still waiting for the final tally, but there is no doubt this parish event was a success no matter how you measure it. Fr. Albert Hall was not only packed, it was overflowing into other rooms. And you couldn’t help but noticing that entire families with children were there. This was a parish and a family affair.

The food was excellent. We started out with serving tables that were full and we ended up with just a few meager leftovers.

All were of one accord, the Council should do this again.
Many thanks to all involved. Special notice is in order for:
– Bob Ward & Tom Junk for conceiving, planning, and preparing for this fundraiser;
– Fr. Beres, our Council Chaplain, for helping us get the word out and especially for blessing the food;
– Danielle Junk for setup of Fr. Albert Hall and assisting Tom;
– All the wives (if only there were time and space to name them all) and others who prepared the hot dishes, desserts, and other items;
– Bernie Cieplak for bar tending;
– Tom Junk for serving;
– Scott Satre for running the 50/50;
– Karl Selzer for bulletin notices;
– All those who stayed late and helped with cleanup; and, of course
– The dish washing crew.