Dear folks: As you have hopefully heard, the governor has begun the process of lifting the ban on public church services. This first phase allows for only 50% capacity in churches. In an attempt to allow people an opportunity to go Sunday morning and not be all crowded in, I am going to switch the Sunday morning Masses. They will be as follows: 5 PM Saturday anticipatory, 8:15 AM English, 9:35 AM Traditional Latin, and 11 AM English. I know for some this will mean getting up a little bit earlier and so I thank you for your sacrifice. Also, know that the 5 PM tends to be lightly attended so perhaps consider going then. Further, remember that the bishop is still giving a general dispensation to all in terms of their obligation to go to Sunday Mass so if you are in any way worried about being exposed to anything because of age or other health conditions you in no way sin by remaining at home and worshipping God there. God bless you and know you are all in my prayers!