St. Peter Catholic Church
Little Washington, VA

Times and Information

Announcements and News About Our Parish

Contact Info for Various Parish Representitives
Corpus Christi Procession & Feast
The Knights of Columbus invite all to a picnic celebrating theFeast of Corpus Christi and the beginning of summer. To be held June 11 in the Church Hall following the 11:30 AM Mass and the Corpus Christi Procession. The Knights will provide grilled meats, buns and...
Mass Time changes for May 2023
Please note that instead of the usual time with Holy Hour we will be having Mass in the morning at 8:30 AM on 5/4/2023 Then on the weekdays of May 8th-12th there will only be an 8:30 AM morning Mass that Monday through Friday.
Holy Week Schedue
Holy Week Schedule Holy Thursday Mass at 7 PM with Adoration in church hall until midnight Good Friday The Passion of the Lord at 3 PM Stations of the Cross 7 PM Holy Saturday No Morning Mass No Afternoon Confessions Easter Vigil Mass at 8:30 p.m. Easter Sunday...

Mass Schedule
Saturday 5 PM Anticipatory, English
7 AM Traditional Latin Mass
8:30 AM English
11 AM, (Choir, Traditional) English
8:30 AM, English
11:15 AM, Traditional Latin
6:45 AM, Traditional Latin
8:30 AM, English
11:15 AM, Traditional Latin
7:00 PM (followed by Holy Hour)
8:30 AM, English
11:15 AM, Traditional Latin
8:30 AM, Traditional Latin
After morning Masses on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday for 10 minutes or until the line is done (whichever is longer).
During the Thursday evening Holy Hour
Saturdays from 4-4:45 PM
Anointing of the Sick
Any Catholic with a life-threatening illness should receive this sacrament even if not in immediate danger of death. Please call the parish office.
A class is required for parents having a child baptized at St. Peter for the first time. Please call the parish office to make arrangements.
The Diocese of Arlington requires that the parish priest be contacted and the Marriage Preparation (Pre-Cana) program be started at least six months before the intended wedding date. We want to help all of our couples receive the abundant benefits and graces that the Sacrament of Matrimony can offer them.
Religious Education
To enroll children in religious education, please print and fill out the form below for each child to be enrolled.
Parish Bulletin
Parish Contacts
Fr. Beres
(540) 675-3432
Bob Benyo
Deacon / DRE
(540) 295-5573
Jean Hagarty
Office Manager
(540) 675-3432
Mrs. Kathleen Tester
(540) 987-8764
Fr. Beres
Cemetery Coordinator
(540) 675-3432

St. Peter parish is using the electronic giving service operated by Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) – a non-profit organization that has served the Catholic Church in the U.S. for over 100 years. Access to your electronic giving account is via a secure connection and instructions for account set-up are straight-forward.
Are you a new member of our parish family?
St. Peter’s Cemetary Rules and Regulations
Help After Abortion
Gabriel Project
Project Rachel