On Holy Thursday, April 9th, the Mass of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated at 7 PM. On Good Friday, April 10th, the service will be at 3 PM. On Holy Saturday, April 11th, the Easter Vigil will begin at 8:30 PM. By order of the Bishop, these will be closed events during which the church will be locked and the public not allowed to enter. Please respect this order from our bishop. Expect the Thursday and Friday liturgies to last about an hour. Before and after the liturgies the church will be open for private prayers all being asked to respect social distancing and to keep the crowd to under ten. The Holy Thursday adoration of the Blessed Sacrament that follows after the evening Mass will be in the church this year and go until midnight.
I will be making extra times for confession to allow for the social distancing. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week I will be available from 9 AM to noon each day.