A Blessed Easter to each and every one of you! A thing to note during the Resurrection accounts is the number of times where the Gospel writer speaks of how the Lord Jesus began with Moses and the prophets and opened for them the Scriptures concerning Him. This shows us how all of history before Him was leading up to this moment when He would be the first fruits of a transformed humanity. All history after becomes then a growing of that mystical body of His until its complete flowering when all those who believe in Him and follow in His ways will also be given a glorified body. That we must unite with His Church is shown in the Resurrection itself. Those ways in which Jesus explained Himself as the fulfillment of prophecy are not recorded for us in the Bible. To know that we must go to His Church. Even the resurrection itself was not made manifest to the crowds but only those within the Church saw Him and pass on to us the good news that He is indeed risen!