Installation of Officers for FY2019-2020

Installation of Officers for FY2019-2020

The evening of August 12, 2019 marked a milestone for Knights of Columbus Fr. du Castillon Council 14755. For ten years now the Council has been active in support of St. Peter Catholic Church and the Rappahannock County community. With this past decade of prayer and...
Corpus Christi Procession & Picnic

Corpus Christi Procession & Picnic

June 23, 2019, was the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). Our Pastor and Council Chaplain, Fr. Beres, processed with the Blessed Sacrament to St. Peter’s cemetery and held Benediction. Four of our brother Knights assisted by...
Knight of the Year Award

Knight of the Year Award

Those of us who have had the honor and privilege to serve as the Grand Knight of a council know just how important and demanding the position of Financial Secretary is. The Financial Secretary is the most crucial position in the council, especially when it comes to...
Awards Ceremony – 10 June

Awards Ceremony – 10 June

Fraternal Year 2018-2019 is rapidly drawing to a close. The year’s work is almost complete and officers for the upcoming FY have already been elected. So, the business meeting of June 10th provided a moment to relax and look back at what the brothers in the...
Awards Ceremony – 11 February

Awards Ceremony – 11 February

At the February 11th business meeting, Grand Knight Pete Gasper made three award presentations, The first was to Tom Junk for his service and extreme dedication as Grand Knight for two consecutive fraternal years (FY 2016/2017 & FY 2017/2018). The Knight of the...
Baptism of Andreas Selzer

Baptism of Andreas Selzer

Congratulations on the Baptism of Andreas Julius Manuel Selzer performed by Fr. Beres on Sunday, February 3rd. Andreas is the newest addition to the family of Karl and Mary Selzer. Among many other things, Karl is a member of our Council and Council Communications...