Mass Schedule for November 26 – December 4th

Mass Schedule for November 26th – December 4th Only the following Masses during this time: November 27th – 11:15 AM Trad Latin Mass November 28th – 9 AM Mass November 30th – 4 PM Confessions & 5 PM Mass December 1st – 7 AM Trad Latin...

Sunday Traditional Latin Mass

During the next two months, November and December, we will experiment to see how well attended a 7 AM Sunday morning Traditional Latin Mass will be. Those who come are more than welcome to use our hall afterward for breakfast.

Masses on October 7th & 9th

Please note the change of schedule for this coming week: This Monday the 8:30 AM will be a Traditional Latin Mass and at 11 AM we will have the funeral Mass for Daisy Bocci. And then on Wednesday there will only be the 8:30 AM Mass.

State of the Cemetery

On Monday, September 23rd at 7 PM in our parish hall we will be having a meeting to talk about the financial and physical state of our cemetery. At that time we will be making public a revised rules and regulations booklet that should help us keep our cemetery clean...

Funeral Mass for Marilyn Skowronski

It is with sadness in being parted but with the consolation of hope in the resurrection that we remember the passing of Marilyn Skowronski. Her funeral Mass and burial will be at Saint Peter’s on Saturday August 31st at 11 AM.