Fraternal Year 2018-2019 is rapidly drawing to a close. The year’s work is almost complete and officers for the upcoming FY have already been elected. So, the business meeting of June 10th provided a moment to relax and look back at what the brothers in the council have accomplished and recognize them for their hard work.

The “Knight of the Month” award for June went to all the members who participated in the St. Lucy Project, delivering food to pantries and a number of other destination in our local region. The amount of food delivered measures in the tons and the amount of spirit displayed by our brothers measures in a much greater quantity of Christian charity. Not everyone who participated is in the picture, but each and every one who did, thank you from your parish and your community.

Brother David Riedel, our Worthy Treasurer, has supported the Council throughout the year in a number of ways. Our Council’s participation in the Little Washington Christmas Parade was coordinated and planned by Brother Dave. In recognition for all of his accomplishments, he was presented the “Knight of the Month” award for the month of May.


Throughout the Fraternal Year, Brother Bob Ward has chaired the standing committee for most of our fundraising events. He has kept track of the paperwork, procured licenses, overseen the appropriation and expenditure of funds. Whatever the detail, he was there to make sure that it was handled correctly. The Council has benefited greatly from his efforts, which have enabled us to perform so many charitable works. That is why he was presented the “Knight of the Month” award for the month of April.

We have a great council and these award winning members are true examples of what it means to be a Knight of Columbus. – – Thank you!!

Pete Gasper
Grand Knight