Dear folks: Beginning this Friday, May 15th, with the 11:15 AM Mass we will begin resuming public Masses at Saint Peter’s.  Please note that the general dispensation that you are not required to go to Sunday Mass is still in place so if due to age or other health conditions you do not feel comfortable coming you will in no way be sinning by worshipping at home.  And, PLEASE!, if you do not feel well stay at home!!  Half of the pews have been marked off with tape so please do not enter those pews.  If you are only a couple or single person please sit at one end of a free pew to allow another couple or single person to sit at the other end and maintain six feet of separation.  The Sunday Mass schedule has been changed to help facilitate the social distancing required.  There is still the 5 PM anticipatory on Saturday and then the three on Sunday proper will be an English 8:15 AM, the Traditional Latin Mass at 9:35 AM, and then an English Mass at 11 AM. The weekday schedule will resume as before with the Saturday morning Mass now always being a Traditional Latin Mass.  I know that all of us want to open up and celebrate the sacraments again, especially the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but I absolutely must and will be giving pride of place to the parishioners of Saint Peter’s.  I apologize for the bluntness but this means that you have been coming here regularly and often (at least 2-3 times per month) and have been giving regular donations (even small ones) to the parish.  If we do not fill up the church with our 50% capacity for social distancing, others are certainly welcome to attend but if you are not a family of the parish and another family comes that is, you will be asked to attend the Mass by going into our hall and watching there via a live-stream.  This refers only to the three Masses on Sunday.  Those in the hall will also be given Holy Communion.  If we exceed our total capacity of 150 (in both the church and the hall) then you will be asked to participate by staying in your car in the parking lot. Thank you for understanding and following these directives.  Let us pray that all this is lifted very soon. In Christ Jesus, Fr. Beres